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Introduction to First Language Acquisition

What is first language acquisition all about? This lesson provides some context before you deep

dive into the other subfields.

Have you ever wondered how you came to speak?

In this course, you will learn more about first language acquisition. The first lesson focusses on the first language acquisition of infants (0 - 1.5 years). The so-called babbling and the further language development towards the first word are discussed. 

In the second lesson, you will learn more about the language acquisition of children aged one and a half to six years. Here you will discover how children begin to combine words, recognise and apply rules and, towards the end of the acquisition process, master their first language completely. The third part introduces language acquisition in the context of bilingual families. Here we explain how growing up with two languages can develop. 

In the last lesson, we look at the internal and external factors of language acquisition. Firstly, we look at the internal factors, focussing on the first language acquisition of autistic children. 

In the case of external factors, we examine the extent to which the parental home and social background influence first language acquisition.  

So, the next four lessons will show you how multi-layered and complex first language acquisition can be. Have fun with it!

You're now ready to move on to the lessons in this module... Enjoy! 

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